remote work Archives | Downtown Works Best Co-Working Space built for entrepreneurs Thu, 16 Dec 2021 12:28:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 remote work Archives | Downtown Works 32 32 Entrepreneur 101s – How Can Employers Build a Healthy Remote Workforce Mon, 10 Feb 2020 18:17:06 +0000 As an employer, how do you attract top talent looking for…

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As an employer, how do you attract top talent looking for more flexibility and freedom in their work? Easy, give them what they want! Figuring out just what that is and how to strategically implement change – not so easy. With innovative technologies advancing at an exhausting pace, employers are standing up and taking notice in order to cash in on the global trend of remote work environments. Job seekers both young and old are discovering more meaningful, purposeful, yet flexible career opportunities.

Research shows that one benefit of a well-managed remote workforce is decreased employee turnover. Employee autonomy and flexible work schedules are revolutionizing how work is done, and employees are being rewarded with a better work-life balance. Most remote-first organizations offer their employees supportive services in a fully transparent and collaborative atmosphere. Unfortunately, there are organizations out there that fail to address important challenges that come with managing a remote workforce.

Long hours of self-isolation and disconnection can have a negative effect on an employee’s mental health. “Unaddressed depression in the workplace can cause employee morale to suffer and makes your employees feel alone or isolated. For remote employees, these feelings of isolation may already be amplified.” (Just Works) It is important that employers consider the larger challenge of employee burnout and how to ensure that all staff is properly motivated and incentivized. Creating a space for remote employees to feel safe and supported is critical for long term growth.

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Executive Coach and Downtown Works member Erin Rocchio. Erin is a firm believer in creating a world in which we are better to ourselves and each other. She brings her knowledge and wisdom to business leaders across the country and was generous enough to collaborate with me in this week’s blog.

So how can employers begin to build a productive and healthy remote workforce…here are a few things to keep top of mind…

Flexibility Not Liability

Burnout is real people. In my experience, remote workers are some of the most driven, passionate, and hard-working employees in an entire organization. Productivity and purpose are a great combination, but if left unchecked, can have unforeseen negative effects on longevity.

Erin was quick to weigh in on this trending topic…

By in large, data continues to show that some flexibility in where employees do their work (i.e. remote at least part-time), boosts engagement and performance. That said, remote workers run the risk of burning themselves out when a few factors collide…

  1. They don’t have enough boundaries between their work time and their personal time.
  2. They aren’t connecting with their teams and colleagues frequently enough to build a sense of shared community.
  3. They have insufficient personal habits to renew their energy (physical, mental, emotional) when they aren’t working.
  4. Their work doesn’t have a direct link to a mission or purpose they find personally meaningful.

When one or more of these factors pile on, remote workers can feel adrift, isolated, and exhausted. When remote workers are left to flounder without managerial support or connection to purpose and team, they can suffer the very real personal effects of workplace burnout, including decreased engagement and performance.

Culture Trumps EVERYTHING

For me, culture is everything! I recently graduated a Startup Bootcamp hosted by the Torrey Project for social entrepreneurs building multi-stakeholder focused businesses. During one of our Saturday sessions, led by culture expert Dr. Gustavo Grodnitzky, we took a deep dive into the concept of workplace culture. What are the primary cultural motivators that drive behavior? I asked Erin what she believes motivates remote employees. Here’s what she said…

In my experience, remote employees can be particularly motivated by job autonomy, or the freedom to meet their job goals when/how it works best for them (assuming they meet critical deadlines). Project-based work is well suited to this type of arrangement versus meetings-based roles.

Also, company cultures that acknowledge employees as whole people – with loved ones to care for, hobbies to enjoy, commitments outside of work – are most attractive to remote workers who give their full attention to their jobs AND their external lives. When companies can find the sweet spot of flexibility, trust, and appreciation for their remote workers, those employees tend to be highly engaged and give more of themselves to their jobs in the long run.

Create a Psychological Safety Net

Trust must be earned – it is never given. Building a culture where remote staff feel supported and “safe” to create and be comfortable being themselves takes time. In my experience, productivity skyrockets when everyone feels safe sharing their talents, feelings, and natural gifts with the organization whole-heartedly.

Finally, let’s hear from Erin on the topic of how employers can create a psychological safety net for remote workers.

Leaders of remote teams must be extra attentive to the engagement, wellbeing, and trust of their employees. One important way of building psychological safety is to ensure each remote team member has time with you, their boss, on a regular and frequent cadence. In those 1:1 meetings, try to leverage video technology (like Zoom or Skype) to build a personal connection. Make sure your agenda includes space for your remote worker to bring forward what’s most important to them but also makes time for each of these components at least monthly:

  1. Project updates, challenges, and other tactical issues
  2. Strategic or innovative thinking about how to make work better or grow the business
  3. Personal/Career Development

When remote workers feel seen and heard as whole people, the value and care you feel towards them will translate into real teaming and performance.

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Entrepreneur 101s – KISS your Worries Goodbye – An Argument for Entrepreneur Minimalism Mon, 20 Jan 2020 20:51:13 +0000 Starting a small business is no simple task. There is no…

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Starting a small business is no simple task. There is no “easy button” (at least I have not found one yet) to make all your business problems and worries just disappear. The simple act of speaking up to ask for help has become a distraction.

Part of the entrepreneur journey, depending on your business model, is to network your way into the startup community and learn to speak its language. A whole new set of acronyms begin to enter your vocabulary at an alarming rate. Do you have an MVP? What’s your P&L? Since when has an MVP not been the Most Valuable Player!

It takes more than just brilliant business ideas to run a small business. Entrepreneurs must have a plan to navigate through a maze of “stuff” (keeping it PG here) and show up every day ready to face new barriers and business challenges. Sometimes it’s all the “stuff” in my mind that keeps me up at night. What if there was a way to get everything done, and still have time myself yourself? Simple – do less.

Two of my favorite entrepreneurs, Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus, aka “The Minimalists” operate their business and lives on the concept of less is more. According to European CEO, “An increasing number of business leaders are actively adopting minimalist practices in order to achieve their goals – both professionally and personally.”

There are several definitions of minimalism out there, but I like this one by author and minimalist Joshua Becker who describes minimalism as “the intentional promotion of the things we most value by removing anything that distracts us from it. He is clear to point out that “minimalism is not about reducing the amount of everything. Quite the opposite: it is about reducing distractions to maximize more important pursuits.”

The desire for more “stuff” in our professional lives and the accumulation of “things” is deeply ingrained in our culture today. But what if you could do business with less “stuff” and get rewarded physically, mentally, and financially for your efforts? Would you be interested?

Here are a few thoughts and nuggets of information in support of entrepreneur minimalism…

Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS)

You must first learn how to walk before you start sprinting toward your business goals. Trying to do too much too soon may end up hurting your business long term. As an entrepreneur, I believe that our community places value on the “perception of success.” It’s our responsibility to shape the culture of entrepreneurship in ways that will benefit us both professionally and personally. Adopting the KISS Method, and implementing it tactically into our daily routines, can not only help keep us more organized but provide more time to focus on purpose and why the hell we are doing this in the first place!

The Illusion of Control

Giving up control is not easy. You birthed your business – you know it best and want it to succeed. In my experience, trying to control every detail about your business, suppliers, vendors, partners can quickly become overwhelming. There are so many moving parts to a business that making decisions and staying the course is a challenge. Geez…I don’t even go into large grocery stores anymore because there are too many choices, I end up buying things I don’t need and wasting time walking around aimlessly trying to find what I need. Giving up control and an attitude of “I must do EVERYTHING” can free up some time for new ideas and self-care.

More Money More Problems?

Let me explain. Money and profits flowing into your business is a great thing! It shows that your business model is working, and your stakeholders and customers are buying what you are selling. However, excess capital and cash on the books can be a burden as well. Without distributing surplus funds in an organized and strategic way, simple transactions can become confusing and complicated. Try thinking smaller – only making purchases based on business values, culture, and need. This minimalist strategy will keep you spending less – steering clear of any monetary pitfalls and overspending temptation due to financial success.

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5 Tips to Help Entrepreneurs FOCUS in 2020 Mon, 13 Jan 2020 19:53:06 +0000 The holidays are over. Take a breath, you deserve it. It’s…

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The holidays are over. Take a breath, you deserve it. It’s a new year with new challenges and new opportunities. As you set personal resolutions and business goals this month, here’s something to keep mind. No matter how ambitious you are, no matter how much energy you devote to crushing those sales goals, you will not build a business overnight.

It took the ancient Romans years of hard work, commitment, patience, and sacrifice to build an empire. These ancient entrepreneurs had their own set of challenges and setbacks, but nowhere near the number of digital distractions, we face today. With constant disruption from our devices, sucking our valuable time and energy, it’s important to set yourself up for success.

This week’s post is about understanding these challenges while arming yourself with information and tips to help adjust your business mindset. Learn to FOCUS on what’s most important when it comes to your entrepreneurial adventure.

Here are 5 tips to help entrepreneurs FOCUS on expansion and growth in 2020…

1. F – Flexibility

Failure is a part of life. Many of your best ideas and business solutions will not work. Accepting this fact while remaining flexible is key for startups and business owners learning to crawl before they walk. The buzz word that gets thrown around a lot is “pivot”. Add this term to your vocabulary. You will find yourself using it more than you think.

2. O – Organization

Entrepreneurship is a journey, not a destination. Your path will be paved with a crazy amount of information, networking opportunities, and partnerships. Navigating the seas of startup chaos and organizing your business the right way from the beginning makes a difference. Time can be your best friend or your worst enemy, save yourself hours of heartache by organizing and structuring your time the best you can. A disciplined approach often works best.

3. C – Connection

We’ve all heard the phrase “you are what you eat.” The same concept applies to the company you keep with others in the business world. Connect yourself with mentors in your market space who are honest, knowledgeable, and can say they have been there and done that. No one, no matter what they tell you, can do it all themselves. It takes a village. Strong interpersonal relationships and learning from other’s mistakes will bring good things to your business.

4. U – Utilization

Make things work for you. All the resources and tools in the world, if not used, are worthless. This is the action part of the puzzle. Prioritize studying up on current trends and business practices within your industry. Someone must take that first step into the unknown, why not you?

5. S – Sincerity

Promises Promises Promises. Start from the heart. Be genuine and do what you say you are going to do. Trust is everything in business. Choose your words carefully, because they have the power to change your life. Good luck finding your FOCUS in 2020!

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Meet Spencer Hutchins – Maestro and Founder at Concert Health Mon, 28 Oct 2019 09:28:42 +0000 No matter what you think of the American Healthcare System, it…

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No matter what you think of the American Healthcare System, it remains a vital piece of the sustainable health and wellness puzzle in this country today. Only recently, has the importance of mental health care and services become part of the national conversation.

According to a recent article in the San Diego Union-Tribune, “In the United States, about 45 million adults have a mental illness such as anxiety or depression — that’s nearly 1 in 6 adults. Among these adults, a 2016 study found that 60 percent didn’t get treatment during the previous year: no medication, no talk therapy, no support groups.”

Enter stage left, innovator and local tech entrepreneur Spencer Hutchins. Seeing the need for a more collaborative care philosophy, Hutchins founded Concert Health on the idea of fixing a broken healthcare system. The technology platform makes it easier for doctors to connect patients with therapists and mental health care providers. In my opinion, Concert Health is doing more than just helping doctors, they are saving lives!

I sat down with Hutchins to discuss Concert Health and how Downtown Works has helped him during his entrepreneurial journey…

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am a health-tech nut. In the last 6 years, I’ve been starting and running companies. Prior to that, I spent time at a family office, as a management consultant and a couple of stints in public service; most recently at the FCC in the first term of the Obama administration.  I’ve got two young sons, so any time I’m not working to re-architect America’s behavioral health system, I’m mostly losing wrestling battles or putting together Lego sets.

  1. Where did you come up with your original idea or concept for your business?

The genesis of Concert came during a program called 10.10.10 in Denver, where I was exposed to a powerful, research-backed model of integrating behavioral health and primary care called Collaborative Care Management. Then it really got going when I met my co-founder, Virna Little.

  1. What services and or products do you offer?

Concert Health is a behavioral health medical group. We have about 50 licensed mental health professionals and Psychiatric Consultants, working remotely across four states. We deliver behavioral health services in partnership with primary care physicians – helping people receive support for their whole self from one team. We work in Southern California, Arizona, New York, and Connecticut.

  1. What were some of your struggles and barriers to market entry and how did you go about overcoming them?

Navigating the US HealthCare System was tough. I leaned heavily on our team-based approach and having subject matter experts. It is great having knowledgeable people surrounding you to help answer specific questions.

  1. How has being a member of Downtown Works helped you grow your business?

The simplicity allows me to focus on my business and my team instead of office logistics. The space lets us “present” as bigger and more established when we have visits come to the office.

  1. What is one piece of advice you would give someone just starting their business?

Be obsessive about what value you are creating for the customer. It’s gotten in vogue to say you’re working for a ‘start-up’ — but laser focus on getting someone to pay you to solve a problem (and then being happy they did) is normally the right place to start.

Where can readers find you online?

LinkedIn: Concert Health

Instagram: @Concert_Health


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Remote Employee Wellness – 5 Actionable Strategies to Improve your Mental Health Mon, 14 Oct 2019 11:12:33 +0000 First, a sobering statistic. According to the CDC, only 57% of…

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First, a sobering statistic. According to the CDC, only 57% of employees who report moderate depression and 40% of those who report severe depression receive treatment to control depression symptoms. Workplace stress can affect productivity, communication, physical ability and day to day operations. Fortunately, with the increasing popularity of remote only and remote-friendly organizations, employers are taking a hard look at employee wellness. Many of these forward-thinking organizations are developing self-care programs and sharing information on how employees can improve their mental health.

Now, distributed teams across the globe are discovering their own wellness tools like live-streaming discussions with mental health counselors and webcasts on personal wellbeing and warning signs of depression and dealing with workplace stress. Here are 5 actionable strategies you can start using today to improve your mental health at work…


1.  Stick to the Plan – Routine creates habits. Scheduling your “me” time to relax and decompress throughout your workday is a simple, but easily overlooked tactic for improving mental health. Set your digital reminders or download one of the hundreds of productivity apps and live by them.

2.  You Can’t be Everything to Everyone – Burnout is real. We can all relate to wanting to impress our clients, bosses, or co-workers with the quality of our effort. However, it is important to set personal boundaries and communicate timelines with stakeholders in an open and honest way. As my mom always says, “just do one thing at a time, Dan.” Multi-tasking is great, but not at the cost of your health.

Burned out worker who is biting her pencil with stress

3.   Stay Connected– I don’t know about you, but I despise feeling like I am on a deserted island, facing the challenges of my workday all alone. Depending on your job, personality, and organizational workflow, interacting with co-workers can be a challenge. However, research shows that connecting with others through fulfilling conversation has a dramatically positive effect on mental health. Next time you’re out for afternoon coffee, try inviting someone new.

Coworkers getting together for a cup of coffee and good conversation

4.   Break Time is not Work Time – Just breathe. I can’t count how many times I catch myself holding my breath every day typing away on my laptop! What a difference stepping outside and walking around has done for me personally. Take your well-deserved breaks away from the digital suck and just take a few deep breaths in and out. Connecting with an activity that literally keeps you alive can quickly improve your mood and increase work productivity.

Remote employee on break taking a deep breathe in

5.   Join the Co-Working Revolution – According to, 40% of the workforce will be freelancers, temps, independent contractors and solopreneurs by 2020. Communal working spaces is not the future of employment, it is the here and now! Companies are aware of this growing trend and are learning more about the physical and mental health benefits of a remote or co-working lifestyle.

Downtown Works Premium Coworking Space

By applying a couple of these simple strategies on a consistent basis, you will be well on your way to achieving a successful work-life balance. Just saying a kind word or lending a helping hand to a coworker in need can have a major impact on company morale. Let’s all be good to ourselves and each other.


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Hornblower Cruises and Events: Permission to Come Aboard – A Downtown Works Excursion Mon, 30 Sep 2019 06:00:27 +0000 The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is famously quoted as saying “change is…

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The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is famously quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” Well, if you are anything like me you understand that change is hard. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting a new entrepreneurial adventure, relationship, or just trying almond milk for the first time in your morning coffee. These are the type of uncharted waters that the San Diego based sales team for Hornblower Cruises and Events found themselves floating in a few months ago.

The Issue: Displaced Workers at Current Office Space

Due to construction and repair work at their on-land venue, The Abbey on Fifth Avenue, a hand full of employees were in dire need of a temporary base of operations and workspace to continue company business.

Hornblower home offices in San Diego The Abbey on Fifth Avenue

The Solution: Premium Co-Working Space at Downtown Works

It was all hands on deck as the DTW team worked diligently to help accommodate and extend a virtual life-preserver to keep the team on-track and safe from drowning in unread emails and missed meeting requests. The flexibility of co-working remotely from a shared community space was just the thing to anchor and motivate the team.

Downtown Works Co-Working Space in Little Italy

“Our time at Downtown Works was a wonderful experience! I loved the sense of community. From the lunch and learns, to the happy hours, to simply getting to know our friendly neighbors. The downtown location was amazing for rejuvenating walks and fun lunch options. I loved bringing my dog to work! The team there, specifically Ana, Candace, and Sofia were so kind and helpful. They were always planning fun ways to bring everyone together like boutique pop up shops or weekly stretching on the roof.”

Sophie Shrader – Marketing Manager, Hornblower Cruises and Events

“I really enjoyed my time at Downtown Works. From coconut lattes to the variety of workspace options and friendly staff. Best of all, our experience at Downtown Works carried over into our permanent work location at The Abbey on Fifth Avenue where they are making modifications for a more comfortable and activity-based workspace with additional amenities.”

Patti Schick – Marketing Assistant, Hornblower Cruises and Events

Hornblower Cruises and Events staff at Downtown Works

Hornblower Cruises & Events is a treasured attraction on San Diego Bay, featuring dining cruises, sightseeing tours, and unforgettable weddings and corporate events. With seven distinct yachts and one historic land venue available, Hornblower provides exceptional customer service to over 250,000 passengers each year. For more information on booking these incredible destination cruises and events with Hornblower visit them online at

Hornblower cruising the San DIego bay

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A Premium Coworking Community built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs who want to reach higher

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