If you have recently started freelancing or running your own business, you may find yourself working from home. For many, this is a dramatic switch, especially if they have spent a significant portion of their career in an office. Unfortunately, many freelancers and entrepreneurs struggle when making this switch. If you find yourself in this situation, we’ve got you covered. This article contains tips and pointers to help you remain focused when working from home. 

Define The Work-Life Balance 

The most common problem for new freelancers and entrepreneurs is the temptation to blur the line between work-life balance. For instance, it’s awfully easy to get chores done in the middle of the workday. Need to listen in on a conference call? Mute the phone and do the dishes – how convenient!

Not quite. The longer you work from home, the more you’ll find yourself wanting to push off work so that you can get things done around the house. Instead of trying to do both, you should establish guidelines to help maintain a work-life balance. You should dedicate yourself fully to each task. Meaning, you should block out and allocate time for your company. Similarly, you should do the same for your family. 

Another common mistake that new freelancers make is working around the clock. When working from home, it’s easy always to have the laptop open to answer emails and perform other work-related activities. By setting work hours, you will likely find yourself more dedicated and focused throughout the day. 

Find A Flexible Workspace In San Diego 

If you are a freelancer struggling to focus at home, consider a flexible workspace in San Diego. A flexible workspace is an excellent option because it allows you to be in a semi-corporate setting with like-minded individuals. Putting yourself in the presence of other young entrepreneurs could make working from home less boring and lonely. It could also allow you to establish connections and network. 

Remember that a flexible premium coworking space in San Diego would be a write-off as an expense for your company. Additionally, don’t feel as though you have to spend all day in the office. Many entrepreneurs find that they like to work from home for part of the day, and then head to the “office” when they need to focus on getting work done. Because it’s a flexible workspace, you can come and go as you please.  

Get Dressed

This may sound cheesy, but many entrepreneurs find that getting dressed each day allows them to replicate the feeling of going to work. This is perhaps part of the broader theme of establishing a routine. If you wake up, get dressed, and begin working by 8 or 9 AM each morning, you will find it much easier to focus on the work that you have to accomplish that day. 

While working in your pajamas is fun, it could prevent you from realizing that there are tasks that you need to accomplish. You probably don’t need to get dressed up in a suit every day, but something semi-professional should help you stay focused.  

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