If you have recently started living the life of a digital nomad, you could be in for a rude awakening. Although this life could result in flexibility, increased productivity, and a new view of the world, it’s not without its fair share of challenges. Many quickly discover that the digital nomad lifestyle is much more difficult than initially expected. Below, you’ll find some of the most common digital nomad misconceptions. Avoiding them is critical to your success. 

Not Having A Place To Focus And Work 

Many digital nomads fail to secure an office space or coworking space to work in. They instead try to work from local cafes which causes frustration with spotty WiFi and increased distractions. Office space can be beneficial as it allows you to meet with clients, focus on essential tasks, and network with other like-minded individuals. 

Securing an office space does not require much investment. Look into services that offer everything from high-tech meeting rooms to collaborative community spaces. These services exist in most major cities, including San Diego. Many of these services provide day, week, or month passes, which is ideal for the working digital nomad.

Lack Of Budget Control 

Digital nomads must quickly find the balance between living in an exciting new city and maintaining a budget. Many digital nomads find themselves blowing through funds and not making as much income as they are spending. Be sure to set a budget and stick to it, and never rely on income that you have not yet earned. 

Working Too Much 

Because you are working on the go from your laptop, it’s easy to find yourself sucked into your job. Digital nomads must make sure they establish clear boundaries. They must know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to play and explore. Without drawing these lines in the sand, digital nomads will often find themselves working 10 – 12 hours a day, seven days a week. Securing an office space can help combat this. 

Lack Of Mentorship 

When working in an office space, employees have access to in-person mentorship. Employees regularly receive ongoing advice and guidance from someone they respect. Unfortunately, many nomads forget this when they break away and begin working on their own. Even if they do find someone from who they want to learn from, nomadic travels could make it difficult to receive proper exposure. 

While some nomads may claim to have a digital mentorship with an individual, it is not the same as an in-person mentorship. There is incredible value in being around someone who you want to emulate. While it’s easy to observe and listen in an office setting, it’s much more challenging to do online. 

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